
sensorimotor psychotherapy
Young person sitting in forest with eyes closed and breathing

Understanding Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: My Journey from Bodywork to Psychotherapy

Twenty-five years ago, in a small brightly-coloured office in downtown Raleigh, North Carolina, I began to notice something intriguing about the human body. As a Board Certified Massage Therapist, I worked with people experiencing stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and chronic illnesses. It was through these sessions that I observed how...
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In nature at sunset a butterfly landing on a person's hand

A Holistic Approach to Mental Health: Exploring the Benefits of Somatic Psychotherapy

Somatic psychotherapy is a holistic therapeutic approach that recognizes the mind-body connection in addressing mental health issues. Unlike traditional talk therapy, which primarily focuses on verbal communication, somatic psychotherapy integrates bodily experiences and sensations into the therapeutic process. By exploring the physical and emotional sensations that arise in the body,...
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Queer couple looking towards the sun

The Road to Healing: Understanding the Three Phases of Sensorimotor Psychotherapy

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (SP) is a unique approach to therapy that combines traditional talk therapy with body-centred techniques. This therapy has gained popularity in recent years due to its effectiveness in treating trauma and attachment issues. SP involves three phases, namely safety and stabilization, processing, and integration. These phases are tailored...
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Person lying down in the fall leaves

The Power of Mind-Body Integration: Exploring the Six Guiding Principles of Sensorimotor Psychotherapy

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy is an approach to therapy that integrates the body and mind to treat unprocessed traumas and their resulting symptoms. There are six guiding principles to this approach, each of which contributes to its effectiveness and transformative power. Organicity: The first principle of Sensorimotor Psychotherapy is organicity. This principle...
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Detail of hand touching water surface of lake at sunset

Healing Trauma and Other Mental Health Conditions with Sensorimotor Psychotherapy®: An Essential Introduction for Clients

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy is a type of therapy that emphasizes the importance of the body in healing emotional and psychological trauma. The therapy is based on the principles of somatic experiencing, which recognizes the way in which physical sensations and emotions are interconnected. By focusing on the bodily sensations that accompany...
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