
Date of Origin

This version of the Terms of Use was created on Sunday, April 22, 2023 at 4:27 p.m. PST. 


Clayre Sessoms (she/they)

Mail: 460-1231 Pacific Boulevard, Vancouver, BC V6B 0E2, Canada

Email: info[at]clayresessoms[dot]com

Terms of Use

By accessing and using my website, you agree to the Terms of Use outlined below. If you don’t agree with any portion of these terms, I encourage you to exit this site, don’t revisit it, remove all bookmarks, and clear your cache.


My online content, including all website copywriting, local resources, images, blog posts, and any other information shared on this website, is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is intended for a general audience to explore only a few mental health approach and treatment options that are available to you today.


My website doesn’t contain medical advice and isn’t intended to replace medical attention and treatment. The content isn’t intended to provide crisis support to anyone struggling with acute mental health concerns or suicidal ideation. If you are in crisis, call 9-1-1 or visit your local Emergency Department for immediate care. Access to and use of this website may be restricted or prohibited should I become aware that you have circumnavigated, disregarded, or violated my Terms of Use in any way. This may include blocking IP addresses, if permitted.

External Links

This website may contain external links to third-party websites or general references to third-party sources of information and are provided solely for your reference. I accept no responsibility for content, material, or information contained in these external links to third-party websites and references to third-party sources.


The contents of my website are intended for use in Canada and are understood to be governed by the laws in effect in British Columbia and Canada. If you access my website from outside of Canada, you agree to be governed by the laws of British Columbia. This includes, but is not limited to, PIPA, PIPEDA, and copyright law.


Each time you access this website, you do so at your own risk. You agree to release me and all of my practice associates, business partners, and professional affiliations from any and all costs, expenses, damages, injury, liability, and loss arising from the use of information found on my website or through external web links.


By using my website, you agree to assume all responsibility and risk brought on by accessing, following, reading, or sharing information and material contained therein. At no time shall I or any of my practice associates, business partners, professional affiliations, and general contacts be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, exemplary, consequential, or other damages whatsoever. This includes damages to interruptions, loss of business information, loss of profits, or any other pecuniary loss or any other action, claim, damage, loss, suit, or other proceeding arising out of these terms of use, including without limitation your use of access to, exploitation of, or reliance upon this website, the materials, or any other part thereof, or any rights granted to you hereunder, even if I’ve been advised of the possibility of such damages, whether the action is based on contract, tort (including negligence), infringement of intellectual property rights, or otherwise.


As part of my ethical approach to providing mental health services, I’m open to feedback and questions about my Terms and Conditions for accessing and using this website. I invite you to fill out my contact form.