The Dangers of Rainbow-Washing: Confronting Superficial LGBTQ+ Allyship from Capitalism to Slacktivism

A row of the different colourful micro fibre rags

Rainbow Deception: Unraveling Corporate and Public Rainbow-Washing Amidst Pride Month Celebrations

As June announces its arrival, the corporate landscape undergoes a striking transformation. Marketing strategies are suddenly flush with vibrant optimism, design departments are resuscitated with electrifying colour palettes, and finance specialists vigorously project potential profits from this technicolour season. This grand corporate choreography is performed anticipating one significantly poignant global event—Pride Month.

But it’s not just the corporate world that’s awash in rainbows. Individuals don their rainbow apparel across social media platforms and in public spaces, update profile pictures, and join the colourful celebration. It seems the whole world is expressing its solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community.

However, Pride Month, a dynamic spectacle of rainbows, glitter, and radiant parades, is firmly rooted in a strong history of civil rights struggles. So it was from the fiery Stonewall riots of 1969 when the LGBTQ+ community raised a unified demand for equal rights. Today, this month-long event is commemorated worldwide, and both corporations and individuals publicly demonstrate their support for the LGBTQ+ cause.

Beneath this vibrant show of support, a controversial undercurrent persists. Despite the spectacle of solidarity, many corporations and individuals are charged with disturbingcerting practices known as “rainbow-washing.” This term describes the actions of corporations and individuals who ostentatiously brandish rainbow-themed symbols of LGBTQ+ support during Pride Month yet remain passive, silent, or even harmful when actively championing or defending LGBTQ+ identities and rights throughout the year.

Among these are corporations that neglect LGBTQ+ rights in their policies and contribute to anti-LGBTQ+ agendas, as well as individuals who use the symbol of the rainbow for personal acclaim without investing in the fight against harmful anti-trans legislation or taking a stand against everyday discrimination. This superficial, season-bound engagement fails to address, and may even exacerbate, the systemic issues that plague the LGBTQ+ community.

The quest to expose rainbow-washing and promote genuine support takes us through the complex corridors of corporate responsibility and personal accountability, probes the reality behind public displays of support, and scrutinizes the true spirit of Pride Month. Katherine Sender, a professor at Cornell University, highlighted in a recent NPR interview that the core of the issue lies in the short and shallow engagement of those who indulge in LGBTQ+ symbolism in June, only to retreat into apathy or silence for the rest of the year.

As we unpack, this phenomenon challenges corporations and individuals to transition from the symbolism of rainbow-washing to active allyship to defend and advance the rights of the LGB in June and every day of the year. This exploration and call to action begin with revisiting the history and significance of Pride Month, interrogating the misuse of its powerful symbolism, and unmasking the repercussions of rainbow-washing on the LGBTQ+ community. Together, we can drive a change toward authentic support and allyship.

Remembering the Protest: The Deep-seated Roots of Pride

Pride Month traces its origins to a critical historical juncture—the Stonewall riots of 1969 in New York City. The riots were not an impromptu outburst but a spontaneous response to years of systemic and institutionalized oppression faced by the LGBTQ+ community. Tired of constant discrimination and brutal police crackdowns, LGBTQ+ individuals collectively decided they had endured enough. Defiance was ignited; protests and demonstrations filled the streets of New York, their echoes reverberating through the annals of history. Pride Month was conceived from these tumultuous beginnings—a protest, a demand for equal rights, legal protection, and societal acceptance.

The first Pride was more than a social gathering or colourful parade; it was a resounding act of defiance, a galvanizing call to action, and a beacon of community marginalized, ignored, and oppressed communities. Moreover, it served as a stark reminder to the world that the struggle for LGBTQ+ rights was far from conclusion, that it was and is an ongoing, relentless fight for equality and acceptance.

As decades passed, the visual landscape of Pride events began to change. Contemporary Pride parades often resemble grand festivals, with corporate-sponsored floats parading down city avenues, dispersing rainbow-hued and branded merchandise to the cheering crowds. It’s a stark contrast to the initial rebellion that marked its inception. Yet, while this evolution indicates some progress and broader acceptance, it must not eclipse the reality that the fight for fundamental human rights is still fiercely underway.

LGBTQ+ individuals continue to fight battles on numerous fronts—demanding equitable access to trans-specific care, striving for fairness in education, healthcare, housing, and mental health services, and calling for changes in societal attitudes and government legislation that continue to ostracize them. This persistent struggle underscores that, while Pride parades might glitter with celebration, the underlying narrative is one of determination and resilience in the face of ongoing prejudice and discrimination.

Despite its evolving facades, the spirit of Pride is unchanging. Its essence is a relentless demand for equality, a fearless proclamation of identity, and an unwavering assertion of human rights. Therefore, it’s crucial to remember and honour Pride’s protest origins, for they remind us that the quest for equal rights, acceptance, and respect for the LGBTQ+ community continues unabated. Thus, Pride’s colours symbolize not only the joy and unity of the LGBTQ+ community but also their collective resolve to keep fighting for a world where they are truly equal and free.

Revealing Rainbow-Washing Corporations

Rainbow-washing, similar to greenwashing, is a term coined to describe how corporations use LGBTQ+ symbolism and marketing tactics during Pride month to project an image of inclusivity and allyship, but often without concrete actions to support these communities. This phenomenon has drawn criticism for its superficial nature and the exploitation of the LGBTQ+ community for monetary gain, with critics citing it as a performative display rather than genuine support.

One example of this issue is the US retailer Target case. Last week, Target faced backlash for removing specific LGBTQ+-themed merchandise from their stores due to customer confrontations. This decision notably included merchandise designed by Erik Carnell, a transgender designer whose designs were wrongfully vilified as “Satanic” and accused of targeting children by conservative news outlets and politicians. This demonstrates a failure by Target to uphold its professed support for the LGBTQ+ community when faced with criticism, highlighting the inherent issue with rainbow capitalism.

Similar criticism has dogged department store chain Kohls for selling bibs and bodysuits for babies that feature the Pride flag and slogans supporting the LGBTQ+ community. Once again, corporate gestures towards inclusivity faltered when met with resistance, exposing the shallow nature of these rainbow-washed initiatives.

Another facet of rainbow-washing can be seen in insurance companies. These corporations might display rainbow logos, giving the impression of inclusivity and allyship, but often fail to provide comprehensive services for the LGBTQ+ community. While they might present themselves as allies during Pride month, their actions—or lack thereof—tell a different story.

In a Harvard Business Review article, Lily Zheng described how rainbow logos and “Love Is Love” messaging can be perceived as hypocritical and insincere, especially when companies fail to improve conditions for the LGBTQ+ communities in meaningful ways. Instead, she suggests that companies should authentically show what they stand for by implementing initiatives that genuinely benefit the LGBTQ+ communities rather than relying on superficial, rainbow-washed marketing tactics.

The transformation of Pride into a commercially viable event has led to a saturation of the market with rainbow-themed products and corporate branding. While these efforts might seem supportive, it is essential to consider whether companies are genuinely committed to promoting and protecting LGBTQ+ rights and welfare or merely rainbow-washing their brands for profit. Therefore, the onus is on corporations to do more than paint their logos in rainbow colours; they must take tangible actions demonstrating their commitment to the LGBTQ+ community year-round, not just during Pride month.

Understanding the Rainbow Flag

The rainbow flag, also known as the LGBTQ+ Pride flag, has been a powerful symbol of diversity, inclusion, and the broad spectrum of human sexuality and gender since its inception. Its vibrant colours represent the diverse identities within the LGBTQ+ community, with each colour imbued with its unique meaning.

The rainbow flag was first designed and popularized by American artist and gay rights activist Gilbert Baker in 1978. He was inspired to create a symbol that could be used during the San Francisco Gay Freedom Day Parade. The original flag had eight colours, each with a specific symbolic meaning: pink for sex, red for life, orange for healing, yellow for sunlight, green for nature, turquoise for magic and art, blue for serenity and harmony, and violet for spirit. The design was later modified to the six stripes we recognize today: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.

Despite its origins as a symbol of resistance and community pride, the rainbow flag has been co-opted by corporations during Pride Month and sometimes beyond to showcase their purported allyship and inclusivity. This practice, often called rainbow-washing, involves companies incorporating the rainbow flag or its colours into their branding and products without substantively supporting the LGBTQ+ community. This use of the flag can sometimes feel disingenuous, and it raises questions about whether these corporations are genuinely committed to LGBTQ+ rights or whether they are simply exploiting the symbol for profit.

Rainbow-washing not only undermines the flag’s significance but also obscures the continuing struggles of the LGBTQ+ community. For instance, while a company may fly a rainbow flag or decorate it on their products during Pride Month, they may simultaneously fail to enact inclusive policies within their organizations or to support legislation that protects LGBTQ+ rights.

Therefore, it is vital to recognize the difference between genuine allyship and corporate rainbow-washing. The rainbow flag is not merely a decorative or promotional tool but a powerful symbol of a long-standing fight for equality and acceptance. Therefore, its display should come with a sincere commitment to advancing LGBTQ+ rights, inclusivity, and justice – during Pride Month and all year round.

Beyond Rainbow Logos: The Role of Social Media in Rainbow-Washing and Real Allyship

In the digital era, social media platforms have emerged as critical stages for rainbow-washing, enabling corporations to publicly exhibit surface-level support for the LGBTQ+ community while not necessarily translating this support into actionable inclusivity practices within their companies or society. This strategy often entails altering logos or branding to incorporate the rainbow flag or publishing messages of support during Pride Month to garner public praise and align the corporate brand with the pursuit of equality.

However, this superficial activism can potentially cause more harm than good. By relegating support for the LGBTQ+ community to a single month or a simple logo alteration, a chasm can form between the public image a company portrays and its actual corporate practices.

Social media can potentially be a formidable instrument for propagating messages of acceptance and elevating awareness about LGBTQ+ issues. However, when misused, it can contribute to a form of performative allyship that falls short of instigating meaningful action and may even camouflage discriminatory practices or policies. For example, a corporation may publicize its rainbow-themed merchandise or logo during Pride Month yet fail to offer inclusive healthcare benefits to its LGBTQ+ employees, or worse, actively support politicians and policies that work against LGBTQ+ rights.

Another repercussion of such hollow allyship is the potential for invigorating anti-LGBTQ+ sentiments. When corporations indulge in rainbow-washing without concrete action to substantiate their support claims, they risk inciting a backlash against themselves and the LGBTQ+ community. In addition, critics and individuals with anti-LGBTQ+ views may exploit this superficial support to fuel further negativity, bias, or hate.

Using social media to promote LGBTQ+ rights should transcend rainbow-coloured logos or a single month of acknowledgment. Genuine allyship demands consistent, year-round efforts to foster safe and inclusive environments within and beyond the workplace and advocate for policies that safeguard and uphold LGBTQ+ rights. Anything less can contribute to the dilution of Pride’s original meaning and purpose and the hard-won gains of the LGBTQ+ community.

This article by Laura Kelly provides valuable insights into ways individuals can effectively advocate for LGBTQ+ rights. According to the article, allyship goes beyond speaking out against injustice; it requires active listening, amplifying LGBTQ+ voices, and responding effectively to discrimination or hate crimes. Notably, the article emphasizes the significance of showing up, whether physically or online, for Pride events and supporting LGBTQ+ individuals consistently, not just during Pride Month.

In the context of the pandemic disrupting Pride Month, the article underscores the need for allies to adapt their support methods. Engaging in virtual Pride events, like Global Black Pride, World Pride, and Can’t Cancel Pride, can be a meaningful way to reaffirm allyship. However, the ultimate goal remains unchanged: fighting for the equality of LGBTQ+ individuals, both during Pride Month and beyond. As Daina Ruduša from OutRight Action points out, “To be an effective ally, you have to be an ally year-round, not only when it is Pride season.”

This overarching message emphasizes that pursuing LGBTQ+ rights is not confined to a single month or an online trend. Instead, genuine allyship necessitates unwavering, informed, and proactive support, transforming rainbow-coloured logos and posts into tangible actions that champion LGBTQ+ rights. It’s about acknowledging that rainbow-washing is not enough—it’s time to strive for real, impactful change.

Dangerous Disconnect: Trans* and Queer Reality

While corporations and social media platforms can quickly display rainbow symbols, this representation can starkly contrast the lived experiences of trans* and queer individuals, particularly those belonging to marginalized communities. Furthermore, while promoting visibility, the rainbow displays and statements of support often do nothing to mitigate the systemic and institutionalized threats faced by the LGBTQ+ community.

A study by Wolowic et al. (2017) highlighted this disconnect. The research found that LGBTQ+ youth often used the rainbow flag to symbolize affiliation and positive self-concept. However, the study also discovered that the presence of the symbol doesn’t always equate to a supportive environment. Young people know that despite these symbols, there can still be discrimination and hostility.

This can be especially pronounced for individuals facing other forms of oppression, such as racism, sexism, xenophobia, and ableism. Trans* individuals and queer people of colour often experience heightened discrimination and violence, which cannot be erased with rainbow flags or Pride-themed merchandise. The struggle faced by these communities is a poignant reminder that advocacy and allyship must go beyond symbolism and extend to tangible actions and policy changes that ensure safety, respect, and equality.

The stark reality of this disconnect becomes even more severe when considering the experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals beyond the Western context. For instance, in Central American countries like El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, LGBTQ+ individuals face extreme violence and persecution. A report published by Human Rights Watch on the treatment of LGBTQ+ individuals in these countries reveals harrowing tales of discrimination, violence, and even death. Camila Díaz Córdova, a transgender woman from El Salvador, is a tragic example of this systemic brutality. After being deported from the US, where she had sought asylum, she was killed in El Salvador, highlighting the life-threatening circumstances many LGBTQ+ individuals are forced to endure in their home countries.

These realities underline the dangerous disconnect between the symbolic gestures made by corporations and the harsh reality faced by LGBTQ+ individuals worldwide. Rainbow-washing can distract from the natural, urgent issues these communities face, creating a false sense of progress. While visibility and symbolic representation are essential, they must be accompanied by meaningful action and systemic changes to genuinely support and protect the rights and lives of all members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Examples of Rainbow-Washing Corporations

Various corporations have been accused of rainbow-washing, with public-facing Pride campaigns contradicting their financial support for anti-LGBTQ+ agendas.

For instance, automotive giant Toyota has faced criticism for its inconsistent stance on LGBTQ+ rights. On the one hand, the company has supported Pride events and launched campaigns featuring the rainbow flag. Yet, at the same time, it has donated significant funds to politicians known for their opposition to LGBTQ+ rights, illustrating an apparent conflict between their public image and their political affiliations.

AT&T has also been implicated in rainbow-washing controversies. Despite regularly launching Pride campaigns and being vocal about its support for the LGBTQ+ community, the company has simultaneously donated to politicians with a track record of opposing LGBTQ+ rights, drawing attention to a disconnection between its public image and financial practices.

Similarly, Amazon and Comcast have faced criticism for their actions during Pride month. Both corporations have been known to prominently display their support for the LGBTQ+ community through Pride-themed campaigns. However, they have been exposed for funding politicians and groups that actively work against LGBTQ+ rights and protections, indicating a disparity between their advertised support for the community and their political contributions.

Further scrutiny falls on companies that create Pride-themed merchandise, often without providing transparency about their profits and donation amounts. While these companies may claim that a portion of the proceeds from these items will go to LGBTQ+ causes, there’s often a lack of clarity about how much money is being donated and to which specific organizations the funds are going. This practice allows corporations to capitalize on the commercial appeal of Pride month without necessarily making significant contributions to support the LGBTQ+ community.

These examples underscore the issue of rainbow-washing within corporate culture, where outward shows of support for the LGBTQ+ community can mask a lack of substantive action, and even active harm, towards these communities. It highlights the importance of scrutinizing companies beyond their public relations initiatives and of holding corporations accountable for their words and, more critically, for their actions.

From Rainbow-Washing to Authentic Allyship

Authentic allyship extends far beyond the surface-level support symbolized by rainbow-washing. Instead, true allyship involves actively advocating for, supporting, and standing with the LGBTQ+ community during Pride month and at all times.

Faithful allies work towards understanding the complex issues the LGBTQ+ community faces, listen to their voices, and consistently respect and affirm their identities. Allyship isn’t a label that one can self-assign; it’s a continuous journey of learning, growing, and actively striving to dismantle the harmful systems of oppression that LGBTQ+ individuals encounter.

True allies are individuals and organizations that boldly stand against discrimination, bigotry, and hate, even when uncomfortable or unpopular. They use their privilege and platforms to amplify LGBTQ+ voices, advocate for change, and confront discriminatory behaviours and policies, recognizing that silence and inaction in the face of injustice only perpetuate harm.

Authentic allyship goes beyond symbolic gestures; it requires concrete action. This can take the form of public denouncement of harmful legislation that targets the LGBTQ+ community, advocating for policies that protect and affirm their rights, and engaging in meaningful dialogues to break down barriers of prejudice and misunderstanding.

Being an ally also means intervening when witnessing instances of street harassment, as long as it’s safe, and supporting initiatives that address the root causes of such behaviour. Finally, it involves leveraging one’s platform—whether a social media account, a boardroom, or a conversation among friends—to challenge homophobia, transphobia, and any form of hate speech.

Furthermore, authentic allyship necessitates supporting LGBTQ+ individuals and organizations financially. This includes donating to relevant causes and critically examining one’s consumption habits to ensure they don’t contribute to the marginalization or exploitation of the community.

Ultimately, authentic allyship is about taking a stand and effecting change. It’s about moving past tokenistic gestures and committing to a consistent, ongoing practice of advocacy and support, thereby helping to create a more equitable society for all.

Transitioning from Performative Allyship to Authentic Allyship

The transition from shallow, performative allyship to authentic, impactful support of the LGBTQ+ community is a conscious and deliberate effort. To make this journey meaningful and sustainable, the following steps can be employed:

  • Embrace Self-Education: The first and most crucial step towards becoming a genuine ally is educating oneself about the LGBTQ+ community. This includes understanding their history, struggles, triumphs, and the rich diversity within the community. It’s essential to seek out reliable sources of information, such as books, documentaries, podcasts, and first-hand narratives from LGBTQ+ individuals, to gain a nuanced understanding of their experiences and challenges.
  • Support LGBTQ+ Owned Businesses: Supporting businesses owned and run by members of the LGBTQ+ community is a practical way of showing solidarity. This helps foster an inclusive business ecosystem while providing direct economic benefits to the community.
  • Donate to LGBTQ+ Causes: Monetary contributions to LGBTQ+ organizations can have a profound impact. These organizations often operate on slim budgets while striving to provide essential services and advocacy. Therefore, your donations can significantly aid their mission, whether in money, time, or resources.
  • Advocate for Inclusive Policies: Genuine allyship also involves standing up for policies that promote inclusivity and equality. This could range from supporting protective legislation for LGBTQ+ rights, advocating for comprehensive sexual education in schools, or pushing for workplace policies that foster diversity and inclusivity.
  • Listen and Amplify LGBTQ+ Voices: Providing a platform for LGBTQ+ voices to be heard and validated is another crucial step towards authentic allyship. Share their stories, experiences, and insights on your platforms to challenge societal stereotypes and prejudices.
  • Intervene in Instances of Discrimination: Whenever it’s safe, stand up against acts of discrimination, homophobia, and transphobia. This could be in real-life situations or online forums. Showing intolerance towards bigotry sends a powerful message of support to the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Commit to Ongoing Learning and Growth: Acknowledge that the allyship journey is continuous. Stay open to learning, evolving, and accepting feedback. Recognize and rectify mistakes, and strive to deepen your understanding and support of the LGBTQ+ community.

As neighbours, community members, consumers, and possible members of the LGBTQ+ community, our actions have a significant impact on promoting authentic allyship.

  • Speak Up Against Hate: We must be vigilant to hatred, discrimination, and bigotry within our neighbourhoods and social circles. If we encounter such instances, speaking up and challenging these attitudes is essential if it’s safe. In addition, creating a culture of intolerance towards discrimination can make our communities more inclusive and supportive.
  • Exercise Discernment in Supporting Businesses: When choosing to support businesses that align with the LGBTQ+ community, critically evaluating their claims is necessary. For example, do they support the community throughout the year, or is their involvement limited to Pride Month? Are they employers of LGBTQ+ individuals, do they donate to LGBTQ+ causes regularly, and do they advocate for their rights consistently? Making informed choices can prompt businesses to transcend tokenistic support and cultivate sustained allyship.
  • Promote Ethical Consumerism: Our spending habits can significantly influence corporate behaviour. Suppose we consciously support businesses that genuinely stand by and contribute to the LGBTQ+ community. In that case, we can stimulate their growth and success, creating a more inclusive and diverse business landscape.
  • Prioritize Self-Care within the Community: If we identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community and find ourselves battling the pains that often come with being a marginalized group, we must remember that self-care and rest are forms of resistance too. Therefore, looking after our mental and physical well-being is vital while continuing the fight for equality and acceptance.

By engaging with these steps, we can ensure that our neighbourhoods and communities become spaces of authentic allyship where everyone feels seen, heard, and accepted.

Unyielding Commitment: Keeping the Momentum for LGBTQ+ Rights

While the conclusion of this article signifies the end of a discussion, it must not imply the end of your commitment to the cause. The battle for LGBTQ+ rights is far from over, and our collective responsibility extends well beyond the bounds of Pride month. Real allyship is not a fleeting trend or a one-off action; it is a lifelong commitment to championing the rights and well-being- of LGBTQ+ individuals.

“Justice is what love looks like in public.” —Dr. Cornel West, Philosopher, Political Activist, Social Critic, and Councillor West from The Matrix Trilogy

This is not a call to love only during Pride month but to continually showcase that love through unyielding advocacy and support by standing up against bigotry and discrimination every day of the year. As the threat of discrimination and hate persists, so must our efforts to combat it. The LGBTQ+ community deserves allies and champions — those willing to maintain a steady drumbeat for equality and justice, even when it’s not convenient or popular.

The internet may be transient, but the need for action is not. Our conversation here, on this platform, is just one facet of a much larger discourse that needs to continue offline and in our daily lives. Our support for the LGBTQ+ community should not disappear when we log off, or the calendar moves past June.

Remember, when the Pride parades dissolve, the corporate logos shift back, and the social media hashtags fade into the background, the LGBTQ+ community is still there, still fighting, and still deserving of dignity, respect, and equality. That’s when natural allies step up, ensuring their actions aren’t dictated by a calendar or trend but by a steadfast dedication to human rights.

This is our responsibility. This is our commitment. This is what real allyship looks like.

The Rallying Cry: Turning Passive Support into Active Allyship

Your voice, your actions, and your influence have the potential to effect transformative change. By sharing this article with your friends, family, and colleagues, you’re not just passing on information but igniting a flame of awareness that could illuminate the path for many others to become proactive, informed allies. Use your social networks as platforms for change, to collectively unmask and challenge rainbow-washing, and to champion genuine and sustained support for the LGBTQ+ community. This is not just about supporting a cause; it’s about advocating for a world where everyone’s identity is acknowledged, respected, and celebrated.

This call to action isn’t just a plea; it’s an urgent reminder that every step you take counts. Each act of learning about the LGBTQ+ community’s history, struggles, and triumphs; each time you choose to support queer-owned businesses or push for inclusive and equitable policies; every moment you take to amplify marginalized voices; each of these actions propels us toward a world of true equality and acceptance. When you share this post, let it not be a mere addition of a rainbow icon on your feed but a symbol of your commitment to tangible actions that uphold and advance the rights of the LGBTQ+ community.

Our lives, indeed, do depend on this. The urgency of this matter cannot be overstated. It’s not just about supporting the rainbow symbolism during Pride; it’s about honouring and advocating for the diverse rainbow of lives that enhance and enrich our society daily. Let us be vigilant and ensure our advocacy doesn’t reduce to mere performative gestures or façades. Together, we can create waves of change. We can change narratives, transform lives, and shape a more inclusive and equitable future.

This is a call to stand, not just in solidarity, but in action. Now is the time to transition from passive support to active allyship. Let your actions echo your intentions, and let your support extend beyond the screen. This is more than a trend or a hashtag — this is a human rights movement. Let’s create a tomorrow where being oneself does not equate to a life of fear or discrimination but rather one of freedom, acceptance, and unconditional love. Our journey to true equality and justice continues — and it needs you.

Disclaimer: This blog shares general information only, not professional advice or recommendations. Consult healthcare providers for personal guidance. Decisions based on content are the reader's responsibility. Thank you.

Clayre runs a group practice of three queer and trans therapists, including youth therapist Audrey Wolfe, RCC, LGBT therapist Camber Giberson, RCC, CCC, and gender-affirming therapist Clayre Sessoms, RP, RCT, RCC, CCC, ATR-P. Work with us: book a session.

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