
Mental Health and Wellness

Tips and insights on maintaining mental health for trans, queer, or disabled individuals, including mindfulness, coping skills, self-care, and collective healing.

Silhouette of a person's profile image

A Compassionate Path to Wholeness: Exploring TIST for Trans* and Nonbinary Individuals Living with the Legacy of Trauma

Living with the Legacy of Trauma: Transgender, Nonbinary, and Gender Nonconforming Experiences The living legacy of trauma leaves lasting emotional scars, shaping individuals’ lives in countless ways. For transgender, nonbinary, and gender-nonconforming people, the consequences of trauma can be even more challenging. Many face childhood trauma and are more likely...
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A queer couple reads together

Attachment Styles Across the Lifespan: The Connection Between Childhood and Adult Relationships

Attachment theory suggests that early experiences with caregivers play a crucial role in shaping an individual’s interpersonal relationships and emotional well-being throughout their lifespan. The quality of attachment formed in infancy can have lasting effects on a child’s self-esteem, self-reliance, social relationships, and mental health. Children who are securely attached...
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A couple kissing at sunset

Attachment Styles and Relationship Satisfaction in Individuals with Physical Disabilities: What the Research Shows

Attachment theory is a concept that applies to everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances. When it comes to individuals with physical disabilities, attachment theory takes on a unique dimension. Studies have shown that individuals with physical disabilities may be more likely to develop anxious attachment styles compared to individuals...
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Queer family of colour smiling together at the beach

Creating a Foundation for Healthy Attachment: Insights into the Factors that Influence Attachment Development

Attachment theory suggests that early experiences with caregivers play a crucial role in the development of interpersonal relationships and emotional well-being throughout an individual’s lifespan. However, the attachment process is not always straightforward, and there are various factors that can influence how and when attachments develop. One of the most...
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Caregiver holding the hand of someone in hospice care

Understanding the Role of Attachment Theory in End-of-Life Care: Improving Quality of Care for Patients and Families

End-of-life care is a critical period for patients and their families, as it marks the final phase of life and often involves significant physical, emotional, and spiritual distress. During this challenging time, patients and their families may experience a range of emotions, including fear, anxiety, sadness, and grief. Attachment theory,...
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Two people talking with their dog between them

The Four Stages of Attachment: A Comprehensive Guide

Attachment is a fundamental aspect of human development and shapes the way we interact with the world around us. The theory of attachment, first proposed by John Bowlby, posits that early experiences with caregivers have a significant impact on the way we form relationships throughout our lives. Researchers Rudolph Schaffer...
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A woman's face in profile with the look of sadness

The Onset of Mania and Depression: Spotting Early Warning Signs

What is Bipolar Disorder? Bipolar disorder is a lifelong mental health condition characterized by alternating periods of extreme emotional highs, known as mania or hypomania, and lows, referred to as depression. These mood episodes are typically accompanied by significant changes in behaviour, energy levels, and daily functioning, which can severely...
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