
Gender Transition Support

Blog posts about the emotional and psychological challenges of transitioning and how somatic psychotherapy can support individuals during this process.

Young woman conparing A with B

Embracing Your True Self: A Guide to Legal Name and Gender Marker Changes in British Columbia

Introduction Importance of having identification documents that reflect an individual’s true identity For many people, a name is a deeply personal and integral aspect of their identity. It not only represents who they are but also symbolizes their unique journey in life. For transgender and nonbinary individuals, having a name...
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A confident trans masculine person

Exploring Top Surgery Options for Trans Men and Nonbinary Individuals: A Comprehensive Guide

Top surgery is a significant milestone for many transgender and nonbinary individuals seeking to align their physical appearance with their gender identity. This surgical procedure aims to create a more traditionally masculine chest by removing breast tissue and reshaping the chest. For those considering top surgery, understanding the different surgical...
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A person in a dress hides behind a mirror

Hair Removal: Unpacking the Racist Origins of a Common Practice

Introduction Hair removal is a practice many of us engage in—whether it’s shaving, waxing, or more permanent solutions like laser hair removal and electrolysis. For trans women, trans-feminine adults, and nonbinary individuals, hair removal can be an essential part of aligning with our gender identity. The relief we feel from...
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Man smiling at the camera, surrounded by nature

Embracing Euphoria Amidst Gender Transition: A Trans and Queer Therapist’s Reflection

Introduction I remember the elation of finally coming out. It wasn’t about how others responded—it was about getting the truth out of my head and my bones and into the world, shared in a Facebook post for all to see. The giddiness of taking my first dose of Spironolactone and...
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